Catie Olson and EC Brown in The House of Seven Closets, Saturday Aug. 23rd, 6-10pm 2252 N. Kimball Ave. BBQ! Drinks!
operafish toyfish quartzfish acrobat batboy bellyfish cockroach darefish emptycloset_fish manicurist mascotfish montecristo puzzledfish quadricephaloid sonrisa spinefish temptressfish tonsilitis tunnelfish ventilator whoopsfish chowmumpqua
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Catie Olson     EC Brown

catieo at sbcglobal dot net
erik at ecbrown dot org

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whoopsfish toyfish acrobat batboy bellyfish cockroach darefish emptycloset_fish manicurist mascotfish montecristo puzzledfish quadricephaloid sonrisa spinefish temptressfish tonsilitis tunnelfish ventilator